The holiday season approaches ever nearer. With it will surely be office parties, fruit cake, fruit punch, cookie platters, egg nog, and all sorts of other potentially staining agents that will threaten the sanctity of your office furniture.
Bah humbug? Not so much when it comes to the investments you made equipping your office with high-quality furniture in the first place. Here are some tips to make sure your furniture survives the holiday season – and at the very least, stays the same color when 2016 comes along.
Get desk protectors. This is something you should have in place already if you’re serious about keeping your working space clean. These pads fit nicely beneath your keyboard and mouse and can protect from milk spills, cookie crumbs and cranberry sauce in equal measure. They have a secondary benefit of preventing your keyboard and mousepad from sliding all around your desk during the end-of-the-year budget crunch.
Get premium – preferably vinyl – party table covers. If you’ll be placing any holiday drinks and foods on any of your office furniture, make sure the first thing they touch is a tablecloth. Styles from the dollar store simply won’t do – make sure the tablecloths you buy can withstand liquid stains and won’t rip easily when people start shuffling out cheese trays for cookie displays.
The best solution of all: Glass table tops. Why go through the trouble year in and year out purchasing temporary prevention tools against holiday food and drink stains? Cover all your office’s precious furniture with our very own custom glass tops. They’ll protect your furniture from things that any temporary solution won’t be able to protect form nearly as well.
Now that you know how to prevent stains year-round, look into ordering one of our premium glass tops. Call us anytime at 1-800-793-1011, contact us online or shoot us an email.